Saturday, September 24, 2011

Clarification on some cat wormers and flea drops.

This subject has been bugging me for some time now, I feel like one of the rare people who actually reads ingredients lists on stuff. Over time the recipes on near enough everything gets "improved" one way or another. Now, I'm going to cover the subject, Drontal cat worming tablets versus Bob Martin cat worming tablets, Droncit cat working drops versus Bob Martin cat dewormer drops and finally Advantage cat flea drops versus Bob Martin double action cat and small dog flea drops... there is no versus, read the ingredients on the Bayer website for those products, make a note, then check them against the relevant Bob Martin products I've just mentioned. This is because Bob Martin acquired the rights to sell Drontal, Droncit and Advantage under their own labels.
I was stupidly getting frustrated by the brick wall attitude from various people in person and on pet care forums of how you should implicitly trust the products your vet supplies and that all Bob Martin products will poison your cat.
My personal opinion, read the ingredients, compare the prices. If your vet sells Drontal cheaper than your local shop sells the Bob Martin cat worming tablets, then go ahead and save money, but if the vet is gonna charge you more for the same product in a different packet, shouldn't you question that sort of thing? (if not with the vet, at least with your own common sense)
For those people who have had issues with bad reactions from the current Bob Martin products, please keep in mind the names of the veterinary labelled Bayer products when going to your vet, because if 20mg praziquantel worming drops cause your cat to froth, become lethargic, gain a rash, then surely it'll make no difference if packet says Droncit or Bob Martin.
Profender, the veterinary only, dual worming drop also contains praziquantel.

OK, rant over.
Now, go, spend your money how you want, I don't care ><

Though I do now have a weird urge to take 2 identical tins of beans, take the labels off, paint one tin red and one tin green, then ask people which taste the best.

But, I'm not quite that bored yet.
*oh, and in case anyone cares, no, i don't own a cat. know plenty of people who do though*


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