Saturday, May 16, 2009


yes, it's true.
i'm not homeless and i'm not sofa surfing, i'm not even living with friends or relatives, i am now renting a flat of my own ^^
many would say it's about damn time :D and i would agree.

though living all by myself can be damn lonely, minion passing on didn't help, but i do still have my crazy little finches keeping me company. i've started leaving their cage door open so they can get some exercise, for the 1st week of that they wouldn't come out of the cage, now tho i have a job getting the little buggers to go back in, especially on washing day when i want my airer back, mind you, since i've moved their cage so they can see out of the window their quite happy sitting on top of the cage in between mad flights around my head, until i empty the airer again ^^

my next issue is internet access, as this is quite sporadic at the moment, though i may be able to fix the issue come september.

in other news, i've finally got round to getting my lightbox back from a friend whom i'd lent it to, i had been too damn lazy to ask for it back, but i want to get back into using it, i'm thinking, if i can get myself a cheap webcam i can set up a rostrum type thing and might actually be able to animate with it.
so, for one week i may have to forgo the food shopping for a webcam. hmmmm.....



Blogger Suzi J said...

I wouldnt do that infact I -might- have my old one still kicking arround the place if you want that

Sat May 16, 01:09:00 pm 2009  

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