Thursday, May 04, 2006


well, here i am in a maya lesson getting completly confused.
i haven't updated for ages because there is only 1 computer with internet access in may's and it's usually in use.

3d computer animation isn't hands on enough fo my liking. i'm enjoying the cut-out project my group is currently doing. my character is geoff :D he's the imaginary friend of prunella (a fat lady, who sings) and he likes biscuits.

i'll have to get round to scanning him into the machine and put him on deviant.

i now have tyranids, they need putting together then painting. then they can go and eat everyone elses army (warhammer 40,000).

well, it's nearly time to head home.

*huggles for everyone*



Blogger Alistu said...

Maya's ok but I also prefer the more hands on work. I'm very pleased with the watch I managed to make in Maya today but it's not particularly useful. I'm so glad I didn't pick a university that only does computer animation, I'd have hated it.

Thu May 04, 07:10:00 pm 2006  

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