On the move again
sometimes i do think i'd be better off learning to drive and getting myself a caravan, and then i remind myself that not only do i like to collect things such as books, but also pets, and between my books, the zebra finches, the hamster and the fish tank, i don't think there'd be enough space left in a caravan for me.
so, currently i'm trying for the flat option.
i have to find somewhere as i've been asked to leave where i am.
i am quite lucky in that if i utterly fail at this whole flat hunting business there's a sofa for me at my grandparents, though i will most likely have to donate most of my belongings to charity, well, that what's worth actually donating.
it's a sad state when you actually start valuing all your belongings, trying to see if you can scrape some extra cash from somewhere and find you have very little of value. (though, quite amusing when hunting for contents insurance quotes, a new responsibility i've yet to experience)
the device i'm using right now is the most expensive of my possessions, though i'm still hoping it holds the key (or at least one of them) to my long term future, so, i'm not quite ready to part with it just yet.
so, yes, a nice cup of tea, a little more packing for the night, a good nights rest and a very busy day filled with more packing, my plans for the immediate future ^^
hehe, even if i do end up sofa bound my grandparents have got an internet connection.
my sporadic bloggings can continue :D
*hugs and happy thoughts*